Start Your Running Journey in 2024: First Steps For New Runners.

Day 1 - Move January Series.

Welcome to the first blog of our Move January Series.

Embarking on a running journey is an exciting step towards better health and fitness. Whether you’re lacing up for the first time or getting back into it, understanding the basics of pacing and injury prevention is crucial. Let’s dive into how you can start running safely and enjoyably.


Pacing is all about how fast or slow you run.

As a beginner, it's tempting to start fast, but the key is to build up gradually.

Why Pacing Matters.

Prevents Burnout: Starting too fast can lead to early fatigue, discouraging you from continuing.

Reduces Injury Risk: A gradual pace allows your muscles and joints to adapt, reducing the likelihood of injury.

Builds Endurance: Consistent, moderate pacing increases your stamina over time, making running more enjoyable.

Tips for Finding Your Pace.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your breathing. You should be able to hold a conversation while running.

Start Slow: Begin with a pace that feels comfortable. You can gradually increase your speed as your fitness improves.

Use Technology: Lupa Run’s Pacer Feature can help you stay on track and guide you to run at a speed that’s right for you.

Guided all the way.

Lupa Run’s AI adapts every run to you, WHILE you run.

No more guessing how fast or slow you need to go, whether you are doing well or overdoing yourself. Not only tracking data, the Lupa Run Pacer will guide you and keep you accountable, WHILE you run.

Select your target pace and distance and the Lupa Run coach will direct you on your run, so that you’ll never feel like you don’t know what to do again.

Injury Prevention.

Injuries can be a setback on your running journey. Here’s how to minimise your risk.

Importance of Injury Prevention:

Longevity in Running: Avoiding injuries means you can run more consistently and for longer periods.

Better Progress: Staying injury-free helps maintain your training schedule, leading to better improvements.

Key Injury Prevention Strategies.

Warm-Up Properly: Start with dynamic stretches to warm up your muscles. Think leg swings, lunges, and gentle jogging.

Gradual Increase: Increase your running distance and intensity slowly, following the 10% rule – don’t increase your running workload by more than 10% per week.

Strength Training: Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine to build the muscle support needed for running.

Time to Start!

Transform This Read into a Run.

Ready to put these tips into action? Join us for an immersive running experience where you'll not only listen to these valuable insights but live them with each step.

It’s one thing to read about the perfect start; it’s another to experience it with your own pace and breath.

Learn about these concepts while moving. Click below and access this real-time audio running experience, tailored for you.

Discover how to build a consistent running habit in our next blog of this Move January Series.


Building a Consistent Running Routine: Tips for Staying Motivated Beyond January.


Join Our "Winter Solstice 5K Run" – A Journey of Reflection and Renewal.